Batch/cluster picking using multi order picking cart


To realize the potential of batch Picking over Order Picking, Flexli has launched India’s first Mobile Multi order picking solution: MOPC (Multi order Picking Cart) specifically designed for Fashion Retailers.

The Solution comprises of multiple Picking carts equipped with Flexli’s Wireless Put to Light Modules.


  1.  At the begining of the Pick Trip, a group of Orders are assigned to a Pick Cart
  2. Each order is mapped to a Wireless Put to Light Indicator.
  3. The Pick Information is displayed on Picker’s PDA/HHT which directs him to the Pick Location
  4. The Picker Sans the Location ID/ Product ID using his PDA/HHT
  5. The PDA/HHT displays the consolidated quantity of the product required in the Pick Cart
  6. All the Orders that require that product start to glow with their respective quantity required displayed on the PPTL Module
  7. The Picker puts the required quantity in the order and moves to the next Pick Location
  • Substantial increment in no. of sortation per individual
  • Limited skill training of picker as operator is guided by automated light guided software
  • Lesser scope of error due to guidance provided by light guided software
  • Full proof mechanism as automated troubleshooting for any wrong pick up or error in quantity to be picked
  • Lesser travelling time for each worker

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