Batch/cluster picking using multi order picking cart
To realize the potential of batch Picking over Order Picking, Flexli has launched India’s first Mobile Multi order picking solution: MOPC (Multi order Picking Cart) specifically designed for Fashion Retailers.
The Solution comprises of multiple Picking carts equipped with Flexli’s Wireless Put to Light Modules.
- At the begining of the Pick Trip, a group of Orders are assigned to a Pick Cart
- Each order is mapped to a Wireless Put to Light Indicator.
- The Pick Information is displayed on Picker’s PDA/HHT which directs him to the Pick Location
- The Picker Sans the Location ID/ Product ID using his PDA/HHT
- The PDA/HHT displays the consolidated quantity of the product required in the Pick Cart
- All the Orders that require that product start to glow with their respective quantity required displayed on the PPTL Module
- The Picker puts the required quantity in the order and moves to the next Pick Location
- Substantial increment in no. of sortation per individual
- Limited skill training of picker as operator is guided by automated light guided software
- Lesser scope of error due to guidance provided by light guided software
- Full proof mechanism as automated troubleshooting for any wrong pick up or error in quantity to be picked
- Lesser travelling time for each worker